
Take home a Ukulele today! Includes everything you need to start playing.

Checkout: 28 days

The Neenah Public Library has ukuleles for checkout at the first floor Check out desk. The ukes have a 4 week lending period and are available to be placed on hold in the library’s catalog.

The ukulele kits put together by Heid Music include:

  • Kala soprano ukulele
  • gig bag
  • electronic tuner
  • instruction booklet with access to online learning tools

Check our Events for Uke classes and jam sessions.

Heid Music, founded in 1948 in downtown Appleton, has several locations (Appleton, Green Bay, Wisconsin Rapids, Oshkosh, and Madison). The Appleton store, located at 308 East College Avenue, includes extensive retail and education spaces. Heid’s focus is on music education and entertainment and their goal is to bring music to the communities and to inspire and engage musicians at any stage, any age.