Talk and Touch Playtime (ages 3-18 months)


Everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed to attend, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6315 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

baby sitting up

Talk and Touch playtime is an informal playtime for babies and toddlers (3 months to 18 months) and their caregivers. This is a special time reserved just for our littlest library users (3 months to 18 months only) to explore, without the exuberance of older children. Multiples stations featuring different sensory activities will be set up in the Shattuck Community Room for children to explore. This playtime is for babies and their caregivers to learn, share, and connect while exploring texture, contrast, books and more!

Repeats on the 3rd Monday of each month. 


March 19, 2018 @ 09:30 am
Event Age
Event Type