Storytime for Everyone at Valley VNA Senior Care


Everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed to attend, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6315 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

storytime group gathering

Storytime for Everyone is an intergenerational storytime for all ages, led by Neenah Public Library and held at Valley VNA Senior Care. Storytime will include read-alouds, rhymes, music, movement, and time to visit with residents.  Room will open at 10:00 a.m. and storytime activities start at 10:05.  You can expect storytime to run for 30-45 minutes, with time after to visit with Valley VNA residents.

Valley VNA Senior Care is located at 1535 Lyon Dr., Neenah.  To find the main entrance, turn off Bell St. onto Lyon Dr.  Enter and sign in at the main entrance.  This storytime is held at a residential facility so you may be asked to wear a mask when you sign in.  Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell.


October 17, 2023 @ 10:00 am
Event Age
Event Type