Adult Afternoon Program: BIG MUDDY MONSTER


Everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed to attend, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6315 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

Chad Lewis

Big Muddy Monster with Chad Lewis, Author, Lecturer and Paranormal Researcher

For over 100-years a giant mud soaked creature has been spotted along the Big Muddy River. This program looks at the bizarre sightings of the beast along with many other similar creatures spotted in Wisconsin.  Filled with eye witness drawings, photos, and videos, this program will have you thinking twice about enter the woods on your own. 

Chad Lewis is a researcher, author, and lecturer on topics of the strange and unusual. His background is in Psychology with both  Bachelor and Master degree work in the field.  For the last 20 plus years he has traveled around the globe in search of unique and bizarre stories and history. For more information regarding Chad Lewis, please visit his website at


November 05, 2018 @ 02:00 pm
Event Age
Event Type